Key Data on Music Education Hubs 2015

Caroline Sharp and Adam Rabiasz

From the report's website and "About" section:

"Music Education Hubs are groups of organisations – such as local authorities, schools, other hubs, art organisations, community or voluntary organisations – working together to create joined-up music education provision, respond to local need and fulfil the objectives of the hub as set out in the national plan for Music Education.


Arts Council England asked NFER to provide an external and independent secondary analysis of data collected by the MEH survey designed and administered by Arts Council England in October, 2015. NFER researchers extracted selected data from Excel spreadsheets comprising collated survey data which were provided by Arts Council England.

This report follows on from an analysis of the 2013 and 2014 results (Sharp and Sims, 2014; Sharp, 2015). This report will focus on five Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and one Performance Indicator (PI) established for MEHs in 2014 and listed below.

  1. Number and percentage of pupils receiving Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET) provided or supported by the MEH partnership

  2. Number and percentage of pupils playing regularly in ensembles provided or supported by the MEH partnership

  3. Number and percentage of pupils learning an instrument through the MEH partnership (outside WCET)

  4. Number and percentage of pupils singing regularly in choirs/vocal groups provided or supported by MEH partnership

  5. Number and percentage of state funded schools and colleges with which MEH partnerships are engaging on at least one core role

PI1: Percentage of MEH income from different sources.

The report presents key survey data with brief explanatory text for each KPI and a comparison of findings from 2013 to 2015. Appendix A contains a copy of the questionnaire, giving the overall responses to each question and including a breakdown for each geographical area. Appendix B contains a copy of the guidance notes for completing the questionnaire."